Pasquier Symphonie

The commitments made by Brioche Pasquier to protect and respect your privacy and personal data are summarized in the privacy commitments set out below. It should be read in conjunction with statements we make and the applicable privacy policies in our forms and websites.

The aim of these principles is to explain, in complete transparency, the principles we apply in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (referred to as the “GDPR”).


The term “personal data” means any information about or relating to you that makes it possible to identify you directly or indirectly. You may be directly or indirectly identified by your first and last name, but also by geolocation data, the IP address of your computer, cookies, an online identifier, information relating to your physical, economic, social identity, etc., your photos, personal preferences or your browsing data on a website.
The term “special categories of personal data” means information about or relating to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual, data concerning health or data concerning an individual's sex life or sexual orientation.


Brioche Pasquier limits the collection of your data to a strict minimum.

Brioche Pasquier ensures that only personal data strictly necessary to perform the services offered are collected: the forms on this website and paper files have been designed to only collect relevant information necessary to manage your procedures. They are regularly reviewed to take into account the latest regulatory requirements in this area and meet your expectations as effectively as possible.

Optional data are specifically indicated as such, as are the consequences of not supplying them.

Brioche Pasquier processes your data legally

All data collection is for a specific purpose that is clearly explained upon collection (form, consent, specific letter, etc.), as well as the related legal or contractual basis for collection, where applicable.

Your explicit consent is required for certain types of processing. A specific statement to this effect is presented on the medium (paper or digital) where this is the case. You may withdraw your consent at any time without affecting your relationship with Brioche Pasquier – see section6(f).

Brioche Pasquier only retains your data for the time required for the processing for which they were collected

When your personal data are no longer required to perform the services in question, only information subject to a legal archiving obligation or information you have given us your consent to retain is retained. Other information is deleted.

These retention periods are specified in the legal notices accompanying the forms or paper files and are regularly checked.

Brioche Pasquier secures your data

The personal data we collect may be entered and processed in computer systems. The technical resources implemented comply with current best security practices.

Only authorized personnel may have access to your data and are subject to confidentiality obligations imposed by our internal policy in this area.

The security of any paper files that you may be required to provide is taken seriously. Staff have instructions to protect documents and comply with the internal policy in force.

Brioche Pasquier only transmits your data to authorized recipients

The main recipients of your data are the internal departments authorized to process your requests and procedures. Partners may, however, receive certain data to perform the services in question. When, for example, you request information concerning our games, your request is transferred to the technical service provider that administers the game and manages the sending of prizes.

The legal information notices and privacy policies displayed on or linked from the data collection forms and files specify the categories of recipients involved in the processing of your data. Certain data may be provided, on request, to third parties authorized by law in compliance with the legal obligations in force.

Brioche Pasquier respects your rights

In accordance with the applicable regulations, you have the following rights with regard to your personal data (subject to certain exceptions and conditions):

(a) The right to be informed (Articles 12 and 13 of the GDPR): you have the right to be informed of how we process your data in a concise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible manner. To this end, a section presenting you with essential information and a link to these principles and applicable privacy policies appears below each form proposed on this website.

(b) The right to access your data (Article 15 of the GDPR): you have the right to access the data we have about you. We will provide you with a copy of your data. We may ask you to pay reasonable administrative fees for any additional copies. This information will be provided to you electronically if your request is submitted in this way.

(c) The right to rectify your data (Article 16 of the GDPR): this right allows you to correct your data (if it is inaccurate) and/or complete it if it is incomplete.

(d) The right to erase your data (Article 17 of the GDPR): you have the right to obtain the erasure of your data in 6 specific cases. In other cases, however, the GDPR sets out exemptions to this right (for example, where we have an obligation to retain certain data as required by law).

(e) The right to limit the processing of your data (Article 18 of the GDPR): you have the right to freeze the use made of your data. If you request this, we will no longer be able to exploit and use the data. The data will nevertheless be retained.

(f) The right to withdraw consent to data processing (Article 7(3) of the GDPR): you have the right to withdraw consent to processing based on your consent.

(g) The right to portability of your personal data (Article 20 of the GDPR): you have the right to obtain certain personal data concerning you in a legible and commonly used format. This right applies where the processing of your data is based on your consent or is carried out for the purposes of a contract and if the processing is carried out by an automated process.

(h) The right to object (Article 21 of the GDPR): you may object for specific reasons under certain conditions to your data being used. If your data is used for marketing purposes, you may object at any time to its use for this purpose without any specific reason. If your opposition request does not concern direct marketing, we may not accept your request in certain limited cases (for our legitimate and compelling reasons, if we have your consent, if we are bound by a contract or if a law requires us to process your data).

(i) Your rights with regard to automated individual decision-making or profiling (Article 22 of the GDPR): you have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing or resulting from profiling (e.g.resulting from your purchasing habits). This right cannot be exercised if you have given your consent, if the decision is necessary for the contract entered into or if this type of decision is authorized by specific laws.

(j) Your right to make a complaint to us and a supervisory body if you are concerned about the way we have processed your personal data. In France this is the CNIL –

Please note that the privacy notice below that applies to any personal information you provide to us through the Site when you use the contact us form:

  • Data controller
    Pasquier, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of 2,064,832 euros, whose registered office is located at BP 12, route d'Yzernay, 49360 les Cerqueux, registered in the Angers Trade and Companies Register under number 329 263 933, is responsible for processing the personal data collected when your query is received.
  • Data collected and processed:
    In addition to the data you provide us through the "contact us" form, we also collect and process all the information given during discussions and correspondence with you, as well as any unsolicited information and potential personal data that you deem useful for dealing with your query for professional purposes.
  • Recipients of your personal data
    Your personal data is forwarded to the commercial teams of the data controller and/or its subsidiaries to process your query for information (this department and the company to which it is addressed being determined according to the country filled in the form) and to carry out commercial prospecting by sending information to your professional e-mail address or by phone to the telephone number filled in the "contact us" form. The technical service providers appointed by the data controller and the Brioche Pasquier Group's IT staff may incidentally access your data for the purposes of hosting and maintaining the website or the IT tools used. Finally, we highlight the use of "reCAPTCHA" software operated by Google, which is intended to allow confirmation that you are a real person and not a software program or robot attempting to use the form in question. We do not collect any data when using this software. For further information on the processing of personal data, please refer to the Google privacy policy available at the following link:
  • Purposes and lawfulness of the processing
    Your data is collected by the data controller in order to:
    • respond to your query for information and,
    • unless you object, prospect by sending information to your professional e-mail address or by phone to the number given in the "contact us" form, and
    • establish our list of contacts who do not consent commercial prospection
    These processing operations are based on the following legal bases:
    • the legitimate interest of our company to respond to queries from professional prospects and carry out commercial prospecting activities with them.
    • Our company's compliance with its legal obligation to take into account the right to object.
    The personal data provided is not subject to automated decision making or profiling.
  • Consequences of failure to reply
    Certain information marked with an asterisk on our web form must be provided to us to process your complaint or query. If you do not provide this information it will not be possible to process your query. The information you provide must be truthful and accurate.
  • Retention period and transfer
    The data collected Data retention period
    For the processing of your request 12 months from the date of the last exchange between you and our teams.
    From our commercial prospecting by email 24 months after the date of the last exchange between you and our teams.
    From our commercial prospecting by phone 24 months after the date of the last exchange between you and our teams.
    The processing of your right to object to receiving commercial prospecting (at your e-mail address or by phone) 3 years from the date of sending the form (if your right to object is exercised via the checkbox on that form) or from the date of notification of your objection.
    The data controller may pass on your data to the sales department of its subsidiary in the United Kingdom. As this country has regulations with a similar level of protection to that of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), it benefits from an adequacy decision: the transfer of data is not subject to any particular formality.
  • Your rights:
    In accordance with the French Data Protection Act and the European Regulation n°2016/679, you have - subject to the legal restrictions/conditions applicable to this processing - a right of access, rectification, or erasure, as well as a right to object to or limit the processing and portability of your data.

    You also have the right to object at any time to the processing of your data for commercial prospecting purposes. In this case, your data will no longer be used for this purpose. You can also give instructions - applicable after your death - concerning the retention, erasure, and communication of your data.
    If you wish to exercise your rights, click here. Your request will be processed within one (1) month. We may, if necessary, ask you for additional information to confirm your identity.
    If, after having contacted us, you consider that your "Data Protection" rights have not been respected, you have the right to complain to the CNIL ( or to the following address: Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, 3 Place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715, 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07. Phone number: 01 53 73 22 22.

Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us as follows:
E-mail :

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